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Friday, 27 August 2021

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

What Is The Objective Of This Topic:

The objective of this topic is to perform sampling on audio signals.

What Is The Description Of This Topic:

In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A common example is the conversion of a sound wave (a continuous signal) to a sequence of samples (a discrete-time signal).

A sample is a value or set of values at a point in time and/or space. While a sampler is a subsystem or operation that extracts samples from a continuous signal.

A theoretical ideal sampler produces samples equivalent to the instantaneous value of the continuous signal at the desired points.

The Nyquist sampling theorem provides a prescription for the nominal sampling interval required to avoid aliasing. It may be stated simply as follows:

The sampling frequency should be at least twice the highest frequency contained in the signal.


where fs is the sampling frequency (how often samples are taken per unit of time or space), and fc is the highest frequency contained in the signal. That this is so is really quite intuitive. Consider for example a signal composed of a single sinewave at a frequency of 1 Hz:

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

If we sample this waveform at 2 Hz (as dictated by the Nyquist theorem), that is sufficient to capture each peak and trough of the signal:

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

If we sample at a frequency higher than this, for example 3 Hz, then there are more than enough samples to capture the variations in the signal:

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

If, however we sample at a frequency lower than 2 Hz, for example at 1.5 Hz, then there are now not enough samples to capture all the peaks and troughs in the signal:

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

Note here that we are not only losing information, but we are getting the wrong information about the signal. The person receiving these samples, without any previous knowledge of the original signal, may well be mislead into thinking that the signal has quite a different form:

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

From this example, we can see the reason for the term aliasing. That is, the signal now takes on a different \persona," or a false presentation, due to being sampled at an insufficiently high frequency. Now we are ready to think about the sampling of a complex signal composed of many frequency components. By Fourier's theorem, we know that any continuous signal may be decomposed in terms of a sum of sines and cosines at different frequencies.

For example, the following waveform was composed by adding together sine waves at frequencies of 1 Hz, 2 Hz, and 3 Hz:

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

According to the Nyquist sampling theorem, the signal must be sampled at twice the highest frequency contained in the signal. In this case, we have fc=3 Hz, and so the Nyquist theorem tells us that the sampling frequency, fs, must be at least 6 Hz. And sure enough, this appears to be sufficient:

Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

Here are some of the practical examples  we will try to solve them using MATLAB:

001: Prove Nyquist’s Sampling Theorem, by sampling the following waves

a)      Y = Cos(2*pi*f*t)

Where f=5Hz

b)      Y = Sin(2*pi*f1*t) + Cos(2*pi*f2*t)

Where f1 = 100Hz and f2 = 400Hz

at three possible sampling rates i.e. 

(1)  F=2Fc                       (2)  F<2Fc                 (3)  F>2Fc




clear all;

f = 5 ;                         %frequency of cosine wave


Fs1 = 5000 ;                    %sampling frequency of original signal

dt = 1/Fs1;                     %seconds per sample

Time = 1;                       %End time

t1 = (0:dt:Time)';              %range of time axis 

x1 = cos(2*pi*f*t1);            %cosine signal


Fs2 = 10 ;                      %sampling frequency Fs = 2*fc

dt = 1/Fs2;                     %seconds per sample

Time = 1;                       %End time

t2 = (0:dt:Time)';              %range of time axis 

x2 = cos(2*pi*f*t2);            %cosine signal


Fs3 = 20 ;                      %sampling frequency Fs > 2*fc

dt = 1/Fs3;                     %seconds per sample

Time = 1;                       %End time

t3 = (0:dt:Time)';              %range of time axis 

x3 = cos(2*pi*f*t3);            %cosine signal


Fs4 = 5 ;                       %sampling frequency Fs < 2*fc

dt = 1/Fs4;                     %seconds per sample

Time = 1;                       %End time

t4 = (0:dt:Time)';              %range of time axis 

x4 = cos(2*pi*f*t4);            %cosine signal


subplot(2,2,1)                  %Plot Original Signal

plot (t1,x1)

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Original Signal of fc 5 Hz and Fs 5000 Hz')


subplot(2,2,2)                  %Plot Sampled Signal with Fs=2*fc

plot (t1,x1)

hold on

stem (t2,x2)

hold off

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Signal at Fs 10 Hz (Fs=2*fc)')


subplot(2,2,3)                  %Plot Sampled Signal with Fs>2*fc

plot (t1,x1)

hold on

stem (t3,x3)

hold off

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Signal at Fs 20 Hz (Fs>2*fc)')


subplot(2,2,4)                  %Plot Sampled Signal with Fs<2*fc

plot (t1,x1)

hold on

stem (t4,x4)

hold off

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Signal at Fs 5 Hz (Fs<2*fc)')




Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal

Part (2)


clear all;

f1 = 100 ;                      %frequency of sine wave

f2 = 400 ;                      %frequency of cosine wave

Fs1 = 4550 ;                    %sampling frequency of original signals

dt1 = 1/Fs1;                    %seconds per sample

Time = 0.05;                    %End time

t1 = (0:dt1:Time)';             %range of time axis  

x1 = sin(2*pi*f1*t1);           %sine signal

x2 = cos(2*pi*f2*t1);           %cosine signal

y1 = x1+x2;                     %input signal


% Max frequency is the max of the 2 summing signals

% So fc = 400 Hz and Fs = 800 Hz according to Nyquist


Fs2 = 800 ;                     %sampling frequency Fs = 2*fc

dt2 = 1/Fs2;                    %seconds per sample

Time = 0.02;                    %End time

t2 = (0:dt2:Time)';             %range of time axis 

x1a = sin(2*pi*f1*t2);          %sine signal

x2a = cos(2*pi*f2*t2);          %cosine signal

y2 = x1a+x2a;                   %Sampled Signal at Fs = 2*fc


Fs3 = 1000 ;                    %sampling frequency Fs > 2*fc

dt3 = 1/Fs3;                    %seconds per sample

Time = 0.02;                    %End time

t3 = (0:dt3:Time)';             %range of time axis 

x1b = sin(2*pi*f1*t3);          %sine signal

x2b = cos(2*pi*f2*t3);          %cosine signal

y3 = x1b+x2b;                   %Sampled Signal at Fs > 2*fc


Fs4 = 400 ;                     %sampling frequency Fs < 2*fc

dt4 = 1/Fs4;                    %seconds per sample

Time = 0.02;                    %End time

t4 = (0:dt4:Time)';             %range of time axis 

x1c = sin(2*pi*f1*t4);          %sine signal    

x2c = cos(2*pi*f2*t4);          %cosine signal

y4 = x1c+x2c;                   %Sampled Signal at Fs < 2*fc


subplot(3,3,1)                  %Plot Original Sine Signal

plot (t1,x1)

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sinusoidal Signal of fc 100 Hz')


subplot(3,3,2)                  %Plot Original Sine Signal

plot (t1,x2)

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sinusoidal Signal of fc 400 Hz')


subplot(3,3,3)                  %Plot Sampled Signal with Fs>2*fc

plot (t1,y1)

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sum of Sinusoidal Signals of fc 100 & 400 Hz')


%Updating time axis for Input Signal for better visualization

Time = 0.02;                    %End time

t1 = (0:dt1:Time)';             %range of time axis 

x1 = sin(2*pi*f1*t1);           %sine signal 

x2 = cos(2*pi*f2*t1);           %cosine signal

y1 = x1+x2;                     %Input signal with updated time axis


subplot(3,3,4)                  %Plot Sampled Signal with Fs=2*fc

plot (t1,y1)

hold on

stem (t2,y2)

hold off

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Signal at 800 Hz (Fs=2*fc)')


subplot(3,3,5)                  %Plot Sampled Signal with Fs>2*fc

plot (t1,y1)

hold on

stem (t3,y3)

hold off

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Signal at 1000 Hz (Fs>2*fc)')


subplot(3,3,6)                  %Plot Sampled Signal with Fs<2*fc

plot (t1,y1)

hold on

stem (t4,y4)

hold off

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Signal at 400 Hz (Fs<2*fc)')




Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal


02: Sample an audio with Fs=2Fc, Fs < 2Fc and Fs >2Fc. Observe the effect of all cases.



clear all;

[y,Fs] = audioread('Bach2.wav');                    %read input audio file

samples = [1,5*Fs];                                 %extract 5 seconds

clear y Fs

[y,Fs] = audioread('Bach2.wav',samples);            %updated Sampling Frequency and Sampled data y


input = y(:,1);                                     %extract one channel

Fourier = abs(fft(input));                          %compute fourier

[Magnitude,Fmax] = max(Fourier);                    %find maximum frequency

fy = (0:length(Fourier)-1)*Fs/length(Fourier);      %axis for Fourier Transform

info = audioinfo('Bach2.wav');                      %info about audio file  

Fs1 = Fmax*2;                                       %Fs = 2*fc

Fs2 = Fs1 + 1000 ;                                  %Fs > 2*fc

Fs3 = Fs1 - 1000 ;                                  %Fs < 2*fc


audiowrite('C:\Desktop\Double.wav',input,Fs1);      %writing audio with Fs = 2*fc

[p,Fs1] = audioread('C:\Desktop\Double.wav');       %reading audio with Fs = 2*fc


audiowrite('C:\Desktop\High.wav',input,Fs2);        %writing audio with Fs > 2*fc

[p2,Fs2] = audioread('C:\Desktop\High.wav');        %reading audio with Fs > 2*fc   


audiowrite('C:\Desktop\Low.wav',input,Fs3);         %writing audio with Fs < 2*fc

[p3,Fs3] = audioread('C:\Desktop\Low.wav');         %reading audio with Fs < 2*fc


%time axis for original signal

T = length(input);     

dt = 1/Fs;

t = 0:dt:(T*dt)-dt;

%time axis for signal with Fs = 2*fc

T1 = length(p);    

dt1 = 1/Fs1;

t1 = 0:dt1:(T1*dt1)-dt1;

%time axis for signal with Fs > 2*fc

T2 = length(p2);

dt2 = 1/Fs2;

t2 = 0:dt2:(T2*dt2)-dt2;

%time axis for signal with Fs < 2*fc

T3 = length(p3);

dt3 = 1/Fs3;

t3 = 0:dt3:(T3*dt3)-dt3;



subplot(3,1,1)                  %Plot Original Audio Signal

plot (t,input)

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Original Audio Signal ')



plot (fy,Fourier)

xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')


title('Fourier Transform of Original Audio Signal ')


subplot(3,1,3)                  %Plot Sampled Audio Signal with Fs<2*fc

plot (t,input)

hold on

stem (t,input)

hold off

xlim([4.5025 4.505])

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Audio Signal at original Fs')



subplot(3,1,1)                  %Plot Sampled Audio Signal with Fs=2*fc

plot (t,input)

hold on

stem (t1,p)

hold off

xlim([4.5025 4.505])

% xlim([0.8 0.81])


xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Audio Signal (Fs=2*fc)')


subplot(3,1,2)                  %Plot Sampled Audio Signal with Fs>2*fc

plot (t,input)

hold on

stem (t2,p2)

hold off

xlim([4.5025 4.505])

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Audio Signal (Fs>2*fc)')


subplot(3,1,3)                  %Plot Sampled Audio Signal with Fs<2*fc

plot (t,input)

hold on

stem (t3,p3)

hold off

xlim([4.5025 4.505])

xlabel('Time (sec)')


title('Sampled Audio Signal (Fs<2*fc)')




Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal
Sampling of Voice Signals And How To Implement Voice For Generating Signal


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