Filter coefficient quantization and
implementation in cascade and parallel form
Objective of this topic is to learn
filter quantization theory and implementation in cascade and parallel form.
As we have seen the design
of digital filters involves finding the coefficients of the filter. For
computing and evaluating the coefficients of the digital system, we use
precision floating point arithmetic. Precision floating point arithmetic is
basically when we use numbers whose number of digits is only limited by the
available memory of the system. This is done when the speed of calculations is
not an issue, but the accuracy is. Hence, translating that definition of
infinite precision arithmetic to DSP systems, we can say that the number of
bits that we use in designing a filter is limited by the word length of the
register used to the store them. The fact of the matter, however, is that most
of the DSP systems that we use have a fixed number of bits in their registers.
The capacity of registers is limited, practically. So how do we fit infinite
arithmetic numbers in some finite space? We quantize them. Generally, we use
quantization methods like rounding or truncating to quantize the filter
coefficients to the word size of the register.
The location of poles and zeros of any digital filter directly depends on
the value of the filter coefficients. But since we are quantizing the values of
the filter coefficients to fit them into the register, there will be a change
in the values of the poles and zeros.
This, in turn, causes the location of the poles and zeros to shift from
the desired location. Thus, the quantization of filter coefficients creates a
deviation in the frequency response of the system.
In summary, after
quantization, we get a filter that has a frequency response that is different
from the frequency response of the filter with unquantized coefficients.
How to reduce the
quantization effect on filter coefficients?
We can minimize this drastic effect of quantization on the
filter coefficients. The corresponding change in the frequency response can be
minimized by realizing a filter with a large number of poles and zeros as an
interconnection of second-order sections means to convert single order section
to 2nd order section.
1. Here filter is converted to seconder order section.
You can see the coefficient word length is 30 and stystem is stable
2. Now you can see the change in the coefficient word
length but still the system is stable and no pole is outside from the unite
3. Now convert the filter to single section.
4. Now you can see that the filte has a single section of coefficient and coefficient word length is 30. System is stable and all poles and quantized poles are in unit circle.
We will try to understand this topic using the practical example:
Design an IIR filter using FDA toolbox having double
floating point precision. Quantize your system by changing filters’ coefficient
word length. Decrease the length so that you can observe the stability and
unstability of the system. Comment on what you have observed through pole zero
plot in report.
Low Pass IIR Filter of order 10 is designed:
The filter is designed using double floating point precision
and is stable since all poles lie within the unit circle.
Now the filter is quantized by changing its coefficients’ data type to fixed point. Initially, the word length is 30 and the system is still stable as the position of poles is not changed, only zeros have moved a bit. Since zeros have no role in determining system’s stability, the system is stable as poles are inside unit circle.
In this part convert your filter to 2nd
order section. Implement your filter as cascade form and parallel form, apply
on audio compare the outputs and comment.
% rec =
audiorecorder(8000,8,1); %create an
object for recording
% record(rec,3); %record for 3 seconds
y =getaudiodata(rec); %generate audio data
Fs =8000; %sampling
T = 1/Fs; %increment
in time axis
y3 = filter(newww,y); %Pass through Second Order Section
Filter (Double Precision)
dfilt.cascade(newww,newww); %cascaded
OUTPUT = filter(OUT,y); %filter the input signal
OUT1 =
dfilt.parallel(newww,newww); %parallel form
OUTPUT1 = filter(OUT1,y); %filter the input signal
%play all output and
observe changes
subplot(2,2,1) %plot
original signal
t = 0:T:(length(y)*T)-T;
Audio Signal')
subplot(2,2,2) %plot
output of Second Order Filter Applied (Double Precision)
t3 = 0:T:(length(y3)*T)-T;
title('Second Order
Sections Filter Applied (Double Precision)')
subplot(2,2,3) %plot
output of Single Order Filter Applied
t1 = 0:T:(length(OUTPUT)*T)-T;
title('Second Order
Sections Filter Applied (Cascade Form)')
subplot(2,2,4) %plot
output of Second Order Filter Applied
t2 = 0:T:(length(OUTPUT1)*T)-T;
title('Second Order
Sections Filter Applied (Parallel Form)')
Some of the Observations:
Output of Second Order Sections Filter Applied (Double
A hollow high pitch sound is added to the original audio and
it sounds like more noisy and the original audio is not recognizable. There is
not much difference observed in the output of these two.
Output of Second Order Sections Filter Applied (Cascade
A large hollow whistling noise is added to the audio.
Output of Second Order Sections Filter Applied (Parallel
Sounds somewhat like the Output of Second Order Sections
Filter Applied (Double Precision). However, a slight increase in the noise is
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