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Tuesday, 31 August 2021

What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing


Pole Zero plot and magnitude response


Objective of this topic is to design filter using properties of pole and zero and analyze magnitude.


Pole-Zero plot and its relation to Frequency domain:

Pole-Zero plot is an important tool, which helps us to relate the Frequency domain and Z-domain representation of a system. Understanding this relation will help in interpreting results in either domain. It also helps in determining stability of a system, given its transfer function H(z).

Visualizing Pole-Zero plot:

Since the z-transform is a function of a complex variable, it is convenient to describe and interpret it using the complex z-plane. In the z-plane, the contour corresponding to |z| = 1 is a circle of unit radius. This contour is referred to as the Unit Circle. Also, the z-transform is most useful when the infinite sum can be expressed as a simple mathematical formula. One important form of representation is to represent it as a rational function inside the Region of Convergence. i.e.

Where, the numerator and denominator are polynomials in z. The values of z for which H(z) = 0 are called the zeros of H(z), and the values of z for which H(z) is  are referred to as the poles of H(z). In other words, the zeros are the roots of the numerator polynomial and the poles of H(z) for finite values of z are the roots of the denominator polynomial. A plot of Pole and Zeros of a system on the z-plane is called a Pole-Zero plot. Usually, a Zero is represented by a 'o'(small-circle) and a pole by a 'x'(cross). Since H(z) evaluated on the unit-circle gives the frequency response of a system, it is also shown for reference in a pole-zero plot. The pole-zero GUI also uses this convention.


The pole-zero plot gives us a convenient way of visualizing the relationship between the Frequency domain and Z-domain. The frequency response H(e jw ) is obtained from the transfer function H(z), by evaluating the transfer function at specific values of z = e jw.

 Poles and zeros are nice graphical representation of z-domain here is the pole zero plot of a simple system with two poles near unit circle and two zeros at 0.let’s see what happens by moving poles and zeros.

If a filter has a zero r located on the unit circle, i.e. r = 1, then H(r) = 0, i.e. the frequency response has a null at frequency r. Similarly, if a filter has a zero r located close to the unit circle, i.e. r~1, then H (\r) ~ 0, i.e. the frequency response has a dip at frequency \r. In either case, H (w) ~0, when W ~ r. In short by putting zero r at or near unity circle H (w) approaches to zero where, w being the angular frequency of zero r to the x-axis

Similarly if we place a pole r at any angle w it makes the system’s response go to infinity/peak at that particular frequency.


·         Poles enhances the magnitude response of the system.

·         Moving the poles nearer to the unit circle increases the effect of enhancement (Amplitude of peak), moving towards the origin decreases the effect.

Zeros and Poles Editing:

You can edit a designed or imported filter's coefficients by moving, deleting, or adding poles and/or zeros using the Pole/Zero Editor panel. Click the Pole/Zero Editor button in the sidebar or select Edit > Pole/Zero Editor to display this panel.

Changing the Pole-Zero Plot

Plot mode buttons are located to the left of the pole/zero plot. Select one of the buttons to change the mode of the pole/zero plot. The Pole/Zero Editor has these buttons from left to right: move pole, add pole, add zero, and delete pole or zero.

The following plot parameters and controls are located to the left of the pole/zero plot and below the plot mode buttons.

·         Filter gain — factor to compensate for the filter's pole(s) and zero(s) gains

·         Coordinates — units (Polar or Rectangular) of the selected pole or zero

·         Magnitude — if polar coordinates is selected, magnitude of the selected pole or zero

·         Angle — if polar coordinates is selected, angle of selected pole(s) or zero(s)

·         Real — if rectangular coordinates is selected, real component of selected pole(s) or zero(s)

·         Imaginary — if rectangular coordinates is selected, imaginary component of selected pole or zero

·         Section — for multisection filters, number of the current section

·         Conjugate — creates a corresponding conjugate pole or zero or automatically selects the conjugate pole or zero if it already exists.

·         Auto update — immediately updates the displayed magnitude response when poles or zeros are added, moved, or deleted.

·         You can select zero pair or pole pair by clicking on it the selected pair is shown in green.

·         When you select one of the zeros from a conjugate pair, the Conjugate check box and the conjugate are automatically selected.

·          Selected pair can be moved along z-plane using the arrow by drag and drop method.

Designing a filter using poles and zeros plot:

For example this is might be how we use poles and zeros to design a band pass filter.

To change the frequency range that we are trying to stop move the zeros across the unit circle. To increase the band stop range add more zeros so they will more area. Smoothness of this suppression can be increased by moving the zero towards the origin.


Some example to understand this topic:

1: Use the enhancement and suppression properties of poles & zeros to design filters.

Create following filters by creating and adjusting zeros and poles according to the requirements of the magnitude response of given filter.

·         Low Pass Filter

·         High Pass Filter

·         Band Pass Filter

Apply all the filters on audio signal having sampling rate 44k Hz, plot magnitude of resultant outputs and comment on results with respective to filters and pole zeros.

All filters are designed by keeping the original signal in mind.

Part 1 : Low Pass Filter


[data,Fs] = audioread('Freestudystrom\CDQuality.wav');  %read input file

audiowrite('C:\Desktop\New.wav',data,44000);    %write it eith sampling frequency of 44kHz

[data,Fs] = audioread('C:\Desktop\New.wav');    %read new file

data = data(:,2);                               %consider one channel

T = 1/Fs;                                       %time period       


%plot original signal in time and frequency domain


t = 0:T:(length(data)*T)-T;


title('Original Signal in Time Domain')




FFT= abs(fft(data));

f = (0:length(FFT)-1)*Fs/length(FFT);


title('Original Signal in Frequency Domain')



Out =filter(loww,data);         %apply low pass filter to the input signal


%plot original signal in time and frequency domain


t = 0:T:(length(Out)*T)-T;


title('Filtered Signal in Time Domain')




FFT= abs(fft(Out));

f = (0:length(FFT)-1)*Fs/length(FFT);


title('Filtered Signal in Frequency Domain')





Low Pass Filter is designed such that it allows frequencies upto 2kHz only.

What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing


Multiple zeros are added to create more dips on the higher frequency side.  

What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing

 To measure its speed and time taken:

What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing

As evident form the frequency domain analysis, higher frequency components are attenuated.

What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing


Part 2 : High Pass Filter


[data,Fs] = audioread(‘freestudystrom/CDQuality.wav');  %read input file

audiowrite('C:\Desktop\New.wav',data,44000);    %write it eith sampling frequency of 44kHz

[data,Fs] = audioread('C:\Desktop\New.wav');    %read new file

data = data(:,2);                               %consider one channel

T = 1/Fs;                                       %time period       


%plot original signal in time and frequency domain


t = 0:T:(length(data)*T)-T;


title('Original Signal in Time Domain')




FFT= abs(fft(data));

f = (0:length(FFT)-1)*Fs/length(FFT);


title('Original Signal in Frequency Domain')



Out =filter(high,data);         %apply high pass filter to the input signal


%plot original signal in time and frequency domain


t = 0:T:(length(Out)*T)-T;


title('Filtered Signal in Time Domain')




FFT= abs(fft(Out));

f = (0:length(FFT)-1)*Fs/length(FFT);


title('Filtered Signal in Frequency Domain')





High Pass Filter is designed such that it allows frequencies greater than 3kHz.
What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing

Part 3 : Band Pass Filter


[data,Fs] = audioread('freestudystrom\CDQuality.wav');  %read input file

audiowrite('C:\Desktop\New.wav',data,44000);    %write it eith sampling frequency of 44kHz

[data,Fs] = audioread('C:\Desktop\New.wav');    %read new file

data = data(:,2);                               %consider one channel

T = 1/Fs;                                       %time period       


%plot original signal in time and frequency domain


t = 0:T:(length(data)*T)-T;


title('Original Signal in Time Domain')




FFT= abs(fft(data));

f = (0:length(FFT)-1)*Fs/length(FFT);


title('Original Signal in Frequency Domain')



Out =filter(band,data);         %apply band pass filter to the input signal


%plot original signal in time and frequency domain


t = 0:T:(length(Out)*T)-T;


title('Filtered Signal in Time Domain')




FFT= abs(fft(Out));

f = (0:length(FFT)-1)*Fs/length(FFT);


title('Filtered Signal in Frequency Domain')





Band Pass Filter is designed such that it allows frequencies from 2kHz to 7kHz.
What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing

Frequency contents of only the said range are allowed to pass through.

What Are The Pole Zero plot and How To Check The Magnitude Response | Digital Signal Processing


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