What Are The Queries In Database And How To Use Them In SQL Server :
In this topic, you will learn how to use the SELECT statement to perform retrievals. We will discuss every clause in this statement and gives numerous examples using the sample database to demonstrate the practical use of each clause. After that, we will look into aggregate functions and the set operators, as well as computed columns and temporary tables.
Simple SELECT:
The Transact-SQL language has one
basic statement for retrieving information from a database: the SELECT statement.
With this statement, it is possible to query information from one or more
tables of a database (or even from multiple databases).
The result of a SELECT statement
is another table, also known as a result set.
The simplest form of the SELECT
statement contains a SELECT list with the FROM clause. (All other clauses are
optional.) This form of the SELECT statement has the following syntax:
SELECT [ ALL |DISTINCT] column_list FROM {table1 [tab_alias1] } ,...
table1 is the name of the table
from which information is retrieved. tab_alias1 provides an alias for the name
of the corresponding table. An alias is another name for the corresponding
table and can be used as a shorthand way to refer to the table or as a way to
refer to two logical instances of the same physical table.
column_list contains one or more
of the following specifications:
The asterisk symbol (*), which specifies all
columns of the named tables in the FROM clause (or from a single table when
qualified, as in table2.*)
The explicit specification of column names to be
The specification column_name [AS]
column_heading, which is a way to replace the name of a column or to assign a
new name to an expression
An expression
A system or an aggregate function
The following is the syntax of a
SELECT statement that references a table, with (almost) all possible clauses
SELECT select_list[INTO
new_table_] FROM table
[ORDER BY order_expression
[ASC | DESC] ];
Often, it is necessary to define
one or more conditions that limit the selected rows. The WHERE clause specifies
a Boolean expression (an expression that returns a value of TRUE or FALSE) that
is tested for each row to be returned (potentially). If the expression is true,
then the row is returned; if it is false, it is discarded.
Example 1, Get the names and numbers of all departments located in
USE sample;
SELECT dept_name, dept_no FROM
department WHERE location = 'Dallas';
Example 2, Get the last and first names of all employees with
employee numbers greater than or
equal to 15000:
USE sample;
SELECT emp_lname, emp_fname FROM
employee WHERE emp_no >= 15000;
Example 3, Get the project names for all projects with a budget
> 60000 £. The current rate of
exchange is 0.51 £ per $1.
USE sample;
SELECT project_name FROM project WHERE
budget*0.51 > 60000;
Comparisons of strings
(that is, values of data types CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR) are executed in
accordance with the collating sequence in effect (the “sort order” specified
when the Database Engine was installed). If two strings are compared using
ASCII code (or any other code), each of the corresponding (first, second,
third, and so on) characters will be compared. One character is lower in
priority than the other if it appears in the code table before the other one.
Two strings of different lengths are compared after the shorter one is padded
at the right with blanks, so that the length of both strings is equal. Numbers
compare algebraically. Values of temporal data types (such as DATE, TIME, and
DATETIME) compare in chronological order.
Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT)
Example 4, Get the employee numbers for all employees who work for
either project p1 or project p2 (or both):
USE sample;
SELECT project_no, emp_no FROM
works_on WHERE project_no = 'p1' OR project_no = 'p2';
How will you remove the duplicate
values from result set in the emp_no column?
Use of DISTINCT, it should be used before all the colulmn in a
column list.
Example 5 (use of NOT), Get the employee numbers and first names of
all employees who do not belong to the department d2:
USE sample
SELECT emp_no, emp_lname FROM
employee WHERE NOT dept_no = 'd2';
IN and BETWEEN Operators:
An IN operator allows the
specification of two or more expressions to be used for a query search. The
result of the condition returns TRUE if the value of the corresponding column
equals one of the expressions specified by the IN predicate.
Example 6 (IN operator), Get all the columns for every employee
whose employee number equals 29346, 28559, or 25348:
USE sample;
SELECT emp_no, emp_fname,
emp_lname FROM employee WHERE emp_no IN (29346, 28559, 25348);
Example 7, Get all columns for every employee whose employee number
is neither 10102 nor 9031:
USE sample;
SELECT emp_no, emp_fname,
emp_lname, dept_no FROM employee WHERE emp_no NOT IN (10102, 9031);
Example 8 (BETWEEN operator), Get the names and budgets for all
projects with a budget between $95,000 and $120,000, inclusive:
USE sample;
SELECT project_name, budget FROM
project WHERE budget BETWEEN 95000 AND 120000;
Example 9, Get the names of all projects with a budget less than
$100,000 and greater than $150,000:
USE sample;
SELECT project_name FROM project
WHERE budget NOT BETWEEN 100000 AND 150000;
Queries Involving NULL Values
statement specifies that a special value called NULL (which usually represents
unknown or not applicable values) is allowed in the column. These values differ
from all other values in a database. The WHERE clause of a SELECT statement
generally returns rows for which the comparison evaluates to TRUE. The concern,
then, regarding queries is, how will comparisons involving NULL values be
evaluated in the WHERE clause?
All comparisons with NULL values
will return FALSE (even when preceded by NOT). To retrieve the rows with NULL
values in the column, Transact-SQL includes the operator feature IS NULL. This
specification in a WHERE clause of a SELECT statement has the following general
column IS [NOT] NULL
Example 10 (use of IS NULL), Get employee numbers and corresponding
project numbers for employees with unknown jobs who work on project p2:
USE sample;
SELECT emp_no, project_no FROM
works_on WHERE project_no = 'p2' AND job IS NULL;
all comparisons with NULL values return FALSE, Example 11 shows syntactically
correct, but logically incorrect, usage of NULL.
project_no, job FROM works_on WHERE job <> NULL;
The condition
“column IS NOT NULL” is equivalent to the condition “NOT (column IS NULL).” The
system function ISNULL allows a display of the specified value as substitution
for NULL (see Example 12)
emp_no, ISNULL(job, 'Job unknown') AS task FROM works_on WHERE project_no =
LIKE Operator
Example 13, Get the first and last names and numbers of all
employees whose first name contains the letter a as the second character:
USE sample;
SELECT emp_fname, emp_lname,
emp_no FROM employee WHERE emp_fname LIKE '_a%';
Example 14, Get full details of all departments whose location
begins with a character in the range C through F:
USE sample;
SELECT dept_nt, dept_name,
location FROM department WHERE location LIKE '[C-F]%';
Example 15, Get the numbers and first and last names of all
employees whose last name does not begin with the letter J, K, L, M, N, or O
and whose first name does not begin with the letter E or Z:
USE sample;
SELECT emp_no, emp_fname,
emp_lname FROM employee WHERE emp_lname LIKE '[^J-O]%' AND emp_fname LIKE
Example 16, Get full details of all employees whose first name does
not end with the character n:
USE sample;
SELECT emp_no, emp_fname,
emp_lname FROM employee WHERE emp_fname NOT LIKE '%n';
GROUP BY Clause:
The GROUP BY clause defines one
or more columns as a group such that all rows within any group have the same
values for those columns. Example 6.22 shows the simple use of the GROUP BY
Example 17, Get all jobs of the employees:
USE sample;
Example 18, Group all employees using their project numbers and
USE sample;
SELECT project_no, job FROM
works_on GROUP BY project_no, job;
Here are some the task which you have tp perform for the practice:
1. Execute the following two queries and
elaborate the reason why the results are different?
USE sample;
SELECT emp_no, emp_fname, emp_lname FROM employee WHERE
emp_no = 25348 AND emp_lname = 'Smith' OR emp_fname = 'Matthew' AND dept_no =
SELECT emp_no, emp_fname, emp_lname FROM employee WHERE
((emp_no = 25348 AND emp_lname = 'Smith') OR emp_fname ='Matthew') AND dept_no
= 'd1';
2. Write a query that shows the same result as in Example 8, but do not use the BETWEEN operator?
Execute the following two queries
and elaborate the reason why the results are different?
emp_no = 25348 AND
emp_lname = 'Smith'
OR emp_fname = 'Matthew' AND dept_no ='d1';
FROM Employee WHERE ((emp_no = 25348 AND emp_lname = 'Smith') OR emp_fname = 'Matthew') AND dept_no ='d1';
In first query, OR operator is
performed between (emp_no =
25348 AND emp_lname =
'Smith') and (emp_fname
= 'Matthew' AND dept_no ='d1'). As evident from the database, left side
of OR returns 1 and right side returns 0. So, 1 OR 0 gives 1 and
therefore the result is displayed.
In second query, AND operation is performed between (emp_no = 25348 AND emp_lname
= 'Smith') OR emp_fname = 'Matthew') and (dept_no ='d1'). As
evident from the database, , left side of AND returns 1 and right side
returns 0. So, 1 AND 0 gives 0 and therefore the nothing is displayed.
3. Write a query that shows the
same result as in Example 8, but do not use the BETWEEN operator?
project_name,budget FROM Project WHERE budget >=95000
AND budget <=120000
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