What is the OBJECTIVE:
The objective of this topic is to perform spatial filtering on images with different filter size.
Description of the topics:
Spatial filtering :
Averaging or smoothing filters:
Padding :
Ignoring some rows and columns:
There are some as usual in all the topics try them using python lets start:
Task 01
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
#(1) : Take size of
mask and values of mask
def InputMask():
rows = int(input("Enter number of rows for mask size
: "))
number of rows
cols = int(input("Enter number of columns for mask size : ")) #take number of columns
mask =
np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.uint8) #initialize mask with zeros
for i in range(rows): #take mask values from user
for j in range (cols):
mask[i][j] = int(input("Enter mask value at location [" + str(i) + "]["+ str(j)+ "] = "))
return mask
#(2) : Take image and padding size and
add padding to image
def Padding(image,paddingsize):
padded_img =
np.pad(image,(paddingsize,paddingsize),'constant') #perform zero padding
return padded_img
# (3) : Take image, padding siza and mask
and apply averaging filter
def Filtering(img,pad_size,mask):
dims = np.shape(mask) #dimensions of input mask
= dims[0] #rows of input mask
= dims[1] #columns of input mask
dims =
np.shape(img) #dimensions of input image
rows_img =
#rows of
input mask
cols_img =
#columns of
input mask
= np.copy((rows_img, cols_img), dtype=np.uint8) # initialize output image with zeros and
same size as input image
factor = 1 / (rows_mask*cols_mask) #multiplication factor
i_end =
rows_img-pad_size #end limt of rows
j_end =
cols_img-pad_size #end limt of columns
for i in range (pad_size,i_end):
for j in range (pad_size,j_end):
mask[:,:] =
j-pad_size:j+pad_size+1] #mask window
mask = factor * mask #multiply
sum = np.sum(mask) #add all elements
filtered_img[i][j] = sum #add this pixel value at output image
return filtered_img
#(4) : Take image and normalizes between
def Normalization(img):
dims = np.shape(img) #dimensions of input image
rows =
#rows of
input mask
cols =
#columns of
input mask
= np.zeros((rows,cols),dtype=np.uint8) # initialize output image with zeros and same size as input
= cv.normalize(img,normalized_img,0,255,cv.NORM_MINMAX) #apply normalization
return normalized_img
#take mask from user
mask = InputMask()
#Perform zero
img = cv.imread('Te.tif’,0) #read input image
dims = np.shape(mask) #for determining padding size
rows = dims[0]
padding_size =int(np.floor(rows/2))
size is half the mask size rounded down
padded_img = Padding(img,padding_size) #perform padding
filtered_img =
Filtering(padded_img,padding_size,mask) #applying filter on image
normalized_img = Normalization(img) #normalizing the image
print("Padding size : ", padding_size)
print("Original Image \n",img)
print("Padded Image \n",padded_img)
# Displaying masked
and normalized images
cv.imshow('After applying filter', filtered_img)
applying normalization, normalized_img)
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
img = cv.imread(‘x.tif',0) #read input image
n = int(input('Enter neighnourhood (mask size) : ')) #take neighbourhood size
dims = np.shape(img) #dimensions of image
rows = dims[0] #rows of image
cols = dims[1] #columns of image
padding_size = int(np.floor(n/2)) #padding size is half the mask size
rounded down
masked_img = np.zeros((rows + padding_size, cols
+ padding_size), dtype=np.uint8)
#initialize output
image with zeros
mask = np.zeros((padding_size, padding_size), dtype=np.uint8) #initialize mask with zeros
padded_img = np.copy(masked_img) #initialize padded image with zeros
padded_img =
np.pad(img,(padding_size,padding_size),'constant') #zero padding done
# Applying median filter
for i in range(padding_size, rows):
for j in range(padding_size,cols):
mask=np.ravel(mask) # Convert to sigle row
# Sort in
ascending order
masked_img[i,j]=np.median(mask) # take median
# Showing Images on Screen
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